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The Veteran’s
Real Estate Company
“Serving The Entire State of Texas”
Rebate Check Information...
When you buy or Sell a Home using Homes for Veterans Realty as your Real Estate Company, Buyers & Sellers will receive a 20% cash back at closing from Realtor Commissions on either buying or selling part of the transaction at closing. If Homes for Veterans represents both sides of the transaction for the same client (buying & selling), client receives rebate on both sides.
Rebate subject to Lender approval, due to maximum concessions allowed on loan. Homes For Veterans Realty will disclose the Buyer's rebate immediately on 1st day of purchase contract so the rebate is used first and lowers the Buyer's cost. Buyer's cost example: towards closing cost assistance, buying down interest points, VA Funding Fee, Home Warranty Insurance, etc.
Seller's receive a reduce listing fee of 5% or 20% of commission, whichever is greater.
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* Example is based on 20% of 3% agent commission. Commission can vary between 2% - 3%.
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